Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mystic Force Foundation Fundraiser

The Mystic Force Foundation cordially invites you to a night of cocktails, 
dinner & a silent auction.

This fundraising event is in honor of
Salvatore Vanni

"Cocktails For A Cure"

Saturday November 15th 2008

Papillon Restaurant
22 East 54th Street
New York City

Some of the amazing items to be auctioned are
  • Dan Marino autographed football
  • Maroon 5 autographed guitar
  • Barry Gibb of the BeeGee's autographed guitar
  • Computer
  • Spa packages
  • Gym membership
  • many more exciting items
Please support our foundation fighting to find a cure for Neuroblastoma, a very rare & aggresive childhood cancer.
Checks only please for auction items!

Please RSVP to:


$200 per person______Blue Power Ranger
$500 per person______ Red Power Ranger
$1000 per person_____Silver Power Ranger
over $1000 per person________Gold Power Ranger

I am unable to attend, but please accept my donation in the amount of $_________________

Please print & mail donations in the name of Mystic Force Foundation to:

Sara Vanni-Burke
44 N Porchuck Road
Greenwich, CT 06831

Donations will also be accepted at the door.

To truly understand the depth of the plea 
"Help Us Find A Cure"
your life must be touched by someone who has a disease for which there is no cure. Only then will you feel the anguish & desperation behind each syllable. Please help us find a cure for Neuroblastoma so no other parent of a child with this torturous disease will feel that pain.

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